Sunday, June 14, 2009

Life In Bordeaux

Well, it has been a day so far. We went to another outdoor market and had oysters and a bottle of wine. You can buy a bottle of wine in the market and they will open it for you and you dink it while you walk in little plastic cups. It is a very hot day here. We also went to an outlet mall and shopped some. We both found some shoes at a great sale. I found some that Korey would like, but not sure his size and not sure I wanted to spend that kind of Euros on him!!

We are now at a cafe on the river drinking wine and beer. We ordered by choosing what the guy next to us was eating. We are trying to be safe. It looked good, will let you know later how it was.

We keep recalling how everyone kept telling us that 'everyone' speaks english. We must not be able to find 'everyone'. There are some here in Europe that speak english but the majority that we have encountered speak none to very little.


  1. Sounds like a blast so far...I wear a size 11 shoe, small shirts and 30x30 pants, Just FYI incase you find anything else for me...I would even pay you back for some cool shoes!!!(not too much though).


  2. I know you are enjoying all the pizza and wine. Can't go wrong there.

  3. There's not much I don't eat, but oysters make my list of things I'll never touch again.

