Sunday, June 21, 2009

Easy day in Birmingham

Today we did not do much. The 10k was cancelled. We have not found out why, but we have mixed emotions on not doing it. For one, we are upset because we had planned on it. But on the other hand, we were extremely tired after 2 busy days and a lot of walking. We did go to the convention and walk around the House of Friendship that has a lot of booths and vendors. We got our convention bag. They have a carousal and a big slide. Of course we did both of those. It was a lot of fun. We then headed back to the hotel. We stopped by a grocery store to pick up some food. All the restaurants are great, but we just want to eat in some. The hotel has a great kitchen, so we are going to just eat in sometimes. We had a great pasta and green bean meal.



  1. I can't believe the 10K was canceled! I know your workout regime of beer and wine had to all prepared though. Oh well, you can try one here in the states after your trip!

  2. I love the pic of the carousel. The House of Friendship looks like fun. Did you do more things there? I like the free rides on the trains. Great idea 'cuz people easily get lost.

  3. The carausel was fun. We went to the opeining ceremony and it was fun. Lots of different countries.

